Fermented rice water has been used as a hair treatment in Southeast Asia for centuries, and with good reason! Fermented rice water (also known as fermented rice milk) can make your hair look more voluminous and shiny without weighing it down or drying it out. However, not all rice waters are created equal! Fermented rice water, or one that’s been fermented for the proper amount of time, can be even more beneficial because of its lower pH and antimicrobial properties, making it the better choice for your hair health overall. Here’s how you can use fermented rice water to benefit your hair!
Fermented rice water
Firstly, plain rice water must be created. Rice water can be generated by soaking and rinsing rice. It is made by leaving rice water to ferment until it sours, similarly to making kombucha, wine, and beer.
Fermented rice water is preferred by many experts because it has a lower pH than regular rice water.
Plain rice water can cause irritation and damage to hair because of its high pH.
By placing it on your head, the water-bath process decreases the pH to match the pH of your hair, so it can provide the same benefits but mitigate some of the risks associated with washing it with acidic substances.

Benefits of Using Fermented Rice Water
Adding fermented rice water to your hair care routine has many benefits. Below are some of them.
Reduce Graying: Fermented rice water contains vitamin B12, which has been shown to reduce graying and whitening in hair.
Reducing oxidative stress: many antioxidants that have been linked to reducing the effects of oxidative stress are found in the lotion. Oxygen creates oxidative stress, causing your hair to age prematurely or become coarse. This antioxidant compound can be obtained from fermented rice water, which in turn will give you youthful-looking, healthy hair.
You can decrease hair fall by increasing your body's supply of keratin with proteins from fermented rice water. In order to protect your hair, and make it stronger and less prone to falling out, include increased protein. This step-by-step guide will show you how to use fermented rice water for hair to its full potential.
Keratin also strengthens hair, which can prevent new damage and restore existing damage.
Fermented Rice Water: How to use it

This step-by-step guide will show you how to use fermented rice water for hair to its full potential.
One: Get a hold of your regular shampoo and wash your hair with it. Follow up by rinsing with plain water, and skip conditioner altogether. You do not need to dry your hair before continuing with the next step.
Two: Use fermented rice water to soak your hair. Lean back and pour the water on your forehead, running it through your hair as you go. Don't let the water touch your face!
Three: Be sure to massage your fermented rice water into your scalp to ensure it reaches your roots.
Four: Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic bag to lock in moisture for 20 minutes.
Five: Rinse the rice water completely out of your hair.
Six : By replacing your conditioner with fermented rice water, or simply conditioning your hair normally, you will help lock in the nutrients you were just adding to your hair. However, this may make your hair feel heavy and flat. Furthermore, adding a conditioning treatment can reduce the smell of fermented rice water if you dislike it.
in your diet.
Protein Overload
This can be a concern, especially if a lot of high-protein treatments have been administered. A strand of hair that has a lot of protein may look limp or suffer from split ends. Saturated hair may also be dry, coarse, and in danger of loss.
Hair that has a surplus of protein in it can look and feel a lot like severely dry or dried hair, making it difficult to determine what the root of the issue is. If you are dealing with these symptoms, you only need to worry about the protein being the issue if you have done treatments with protein, such as rinsing your hair with rice water.
Side Effects
Be aware of some possible side effects to fermented rice water; make sure your hair isn't dry, that you get enough protein in your diet.
Drying of the Scalp
The chance of a dry scalp from using rice water is minimal if it's used correctly.
The proteins that benefit your hair are also beneficial to yeast, which can multiply and cause scalp problems if you leave rice water on your hair too long.
By rinsing rice water treatments thoroughly, decreasing the frequency of use, and not leaving treatments on your scalp for more than 20 to 30 minutes, you can prevent too much yeast growth.
Using rice water as a daily treatment may cause a lot of side effects, so only use it sparingly.
Does Fermented Rice Water: Does It Aid In Hair Fall?
Yes, a type of drink that uses fermented rice water will be effective at stopping hair from falling out because it will help your hair reach higher levels of keratins and proteins. The keratins and proteins will help stop your hair from breaking and will slow hair fall.It’s best not to use fermented rice water as a treatment every day. Some side effects are more likely to occur with repeated use, so rice water treatments should be used sparingly.
Many people report that fermented rice water has an odd smell. If this bothers you, try adding a conditioning treatment after rinsing your hair with rice water.
Fermented rice water can strengthen your hair, reduce hair fall, and prevent graying and whitening. It has been used for centuries to care for hair. If you want to use fermented rice water on your hair, add it before you apply conditioner or use it as a conditioner to make it more manageable.
Other Foods and Products That Aid in Hair Growth
Sugar Scrub
Onion Juice
Aloe Vera